Welcome to my website!

My name is Anansya Latka, and I also go by Annie. I am a current Bachelor of Fine Arts student majoring in film and tv production at Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts.

During my time at Emerson, I have worked on multiple sets and have been a director/writer, executive producer, assistant director, camera operator, audio (boom and sound recordist), production assistant, and I have experience in a studio control room as a studio director, playback, teleprompter, technical director.

If I am not on set, I am usually working on scripts, reading, or exploring the city of Boston. I also enjoy traveling and photography in my free time.

You can see my projects and photography on this website, see my work experience and resume, and learn a little more about me.


I have lived across three different countries and have seen countless more.

Being able to live among and see different cultures has cultivated my perception of the world and of me as a person.

I was born in India and was lucky to grow up in Singapore, a small island country in Southeast Asia, and to be able to see so much of the world from there.

Living in Tokyo has changed me as a person. I have seen so much and learnt so much about the world around me and now I get to live and learn as a filmmaker in Boston, Massachusetts.

I have always been taught to appreciate the different cultures that surround us because it is these differences that make us appreciate the people around us.

Looking back on these experiences, I am so grateful that they shaped my perception of the world, unlocked my ability to adapt to new environments and fueled my curiosity and thirst for knowledge. I am forever indebted to the memories and lessons that traveling and being able to live in different places has bestowed upon me, and I eagerly look forward to exploring more of the world in the future.

telling stories.

I have always found film and books to be an escape from the reality we live in. Which is why telling stories is a passion of mine.

I think being able to take control of my creative mind and write stories has helped me gain a better understanding of my place in this world. I love creating places and people, I love being able to go wherever I please through my writing, and I am so grateful that I can translate these stories into real films or short stories that I write in my free time.

I find making films therapeutic almost. Being behind a camera and being able to capture the beauty in front of me is so peaceful.

my films

Here is my collection of work I have produced personally. You can click on an image to go to the movie. While I have more work I have been on, it is not solely mine, but there are links to it here.

Work & Experience

  • Boston, MA | September 2023 - May 2024

    • I am the writer and director of my AFTERAIN

    • The short film is about a young girl who is stuck in limbo and is watching her family struggle with their grief and come to terms with her death.

    • If you would like to follow the film and learn where we are in the process, you can do so here!

  • Boston, MA | December 2023 - Present

    • I am the Technical Executive Producer of Stacks on Emerson Independent Video (EIV).

    • Stacks is a three episode mockumentary that follows a student employee learns to embrace the chaos of the college library he is employed at.

    • I am working with two other producers to bring the show to life, oversee 20+ crew members and oversee all aspects of pre-production to post-production.

  • Boston, MA | September 2023 - December 2023

    • I lead a team in the control room and called out cues for actors in the studio, called out camera movements, marked scripts and make a shot list for a 3-cam studio show.

  • Boston, MA | February 2023 - present

    • I help students with their essays, scripts, resumes etc.

    • We work on essay structure, brainstorming ideas, re-reading work, grammar, basically anything the writer wants more clarity in

    • I have acquired leadership skills, have learnt how to be better at writing academic papers, and have been able to help others, something I am very passionate about.

  • Prague, Czechia | June 2023 - July 2023

    A teenager looking after her younger half sister struggles to accept the different relationships they have with their shared mom.

    • I was a co-writer, co-director, co-dp on this project

    • This was part of an intensive one month long film program in Prague, Czechia.

    • You can watch the film here!

  • Boston, MA | December 2022 - June 2023

    • I was the technical executive producer for The Emerson Channel’s Culture Shock.

    • Culture Shock is a unique satirical comedy that combines character-driven narrative and fact-based insight to explore the experiences of international and multicultural members of the Emerson community.

    • I was in charge 40+ crew members as well as creative decisions, booking locations, getting equipment and ensuring the full production process from writing to delivery of the episodes went smoothly.

  • Tokyo, Japan | May 2022 - June 2022

    • Handled the social media pages and created posts (Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook)

    • Worked on the 5G website and made a draft for a short video on Video AI

    • Acquired basic office skills


  • On-set Production and Development

  • Leadership

  • Organization & Collaboration

  • Project Management

Software Skills

  • Adobe Creative Suite (Premiere Pro, InDesign etc.)

  • iMovie

  • Canva

Software Skills

  • Final Cut Pro

  • Google Workplace

  • Microsoft Office 365

  • iOS Software

Other Skills

  • Languages

    • Fluent: English, Hindi

    • Beginner: Spanish, Mandarin

  • Experienced in Swimming

Creative Skills

  • Screenplay Writing

  • Video Editing

  • Set Design


  • Traveling

  • Swimming

  • Photography

  • Reading

  • Music